Wednesday, May 11, 2011

cheryl tiegs on oprah

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  • Ger Teunis
    Mar 31, 03:15 AM
    Am I the only one having problems with the following default (moronified) settings?

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  • ZAiPhone
    Mar 30, 08:01 AM
    And if you stop subscribing?...What happens to your music files stored in the cloud?

    Who cares, you can download it any time to any computer. Talking as a new user of this service, who has used it. You buy music for less than iTunes. I got a free upgrade to 20 GB. Then when can down load everything in your cloud which is DRM free to any computer you're logged in to. I could not care less about the player. The way less restrictive cloud storage is a huge bonus. Yes I know MP3 is not as good as AAC if you're an audiophile and if you are then you're playing lossless made from CD or Vinyl. Amazon is a super simple and easy to use UI with far less restrictions than apple. Not knocking apple I have an iPhone4, iPad2 and 2010 MBP.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 18, 04:08 PM
    What, precisely, did Samsung blatantly "rip off" from Apple?

    Perhaps you didn't read the first sentence of the very comment you quoted, which clearly stated "industrial design" and "user interface," neither of which has anything to do with any of the hardware specifications you brought up.

    Technically, they should sue every PC manufacturer on Earth for every ounce of silicon ever produced, because, after all, Apple did invent the personal computer.

    Strawman fails.

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  • marcosscriven
    May 6, 02:37 AM
    Moving to a different architecture doesn't mean the death of Mac OS - all they need to do is compile it to the new target. Obviously not *quite* that simple, but ARM Mac != iOS Mac

    What I'm interested in though is how well any proposed ARM chip could emulate the Core i3/5/7s of today?

    If a future MacBook had an 8-core 64-bit ARM chip in that was twice as fast as Intel's offerings, and used half the power (say), but was the same price, the only thing that would stop me buying is if x86 emulation was poor.

    Basically, I don't care what processor is used, if older programs can be run *reasonably* well, for a year or so, before they are compiled for the new arch, or superseded by others. I'd be prepared to take a 20 - 30% hit on x86 apps in any interim changeover period.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 18, 05:15 PM
    Irrelevant. Just because I stick a Ford logo on the hood doesn't mean I can make my new Mustang look like a Porsche Carrera clone.

    Industrial design is legally protected work. And should be. It doesn't matter how you price your competing product.

    How is having a grid of application icons a 'protected work' on a handheld device. The first time I saw this was in the mid to late 90's, and it was not from Apple. Unless it can be shown that Apple patented square icons in a grid pattern, I don't see your point.

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  • Scottsdale
    May 6, 01:02 AM
    I welcome this idea. Intel is a disgusting anti-competitive company that cannot play fair. Apple is forced to use Intel's chipset and IGP instead of Nvidia which may have lead Apple to a decision like this. ARM is the future as is iOS, so like it or lump it. The low end Macs would probably have ARM and others both ARM and Intel. I would also welcome a switch to AMD.

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  • PsykX
    Mar 30, 08:18 PM
    Nope, not yet.

    Yes they did. Did you even try it before replying anything?

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  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 06:25 PM
    Because those screens WILL look better to those normal customers. Text and graphics will look sharper, and clearer.

    The iPhone screen, before the retina screen, had a higher resolution than macs. People could not see individual pixels. Despite that, ask any Tom Dick or Harry on the street, and they will be unequivocal that the Retina screen is far better looking than the 3GS screens.

    The iPhone, before the current model had a screen res of 320 x 480

    The first iMac, made 13 years ago in 1998 (the G3) had a screen res of 1024x768 the same as an iPad2 they are making today.

    The first Apple Mac in 1984, 27 years ago had a screen res of 512�342 on a black and white screen.

    I don't know where you get your statement than the "iPhone had a higher resolution than macs"

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  • VenusianSky
    Nov 3, 01:28 PM
    I may get one if I happen to come upon a gift card, or if they show up on ebay at a cheaper price.

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  • djinn
    Mar 29, 01:47 PM

    gynecologist?? :D

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  • spicyapple
    Nov 22, 01:27 AM
    wasn't it exactly the same story with the ipod?
    It would be fun to speculate what features Apple brings to the iPhone that could revolutionize the cell phone industry? My guess is 1) ease of use in updating contacts, calendar, emails 2) iPod music integration 3) high quality 640x480 mpeg4 videos and 4) leveraging in flash memory pricing

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  • bboucher790
    Mar 28, 11:11 AM
    My only dig: LTE = More $$$$

    I'd rather use a solid HSPA+ device in June, than wait til September (or later) to use a device where my data plan could jump by $10.

    I will only be excited for LTE if the data plans don't rise. I think it's ridiculous that every time a new cell technology comes out, cell companies raise their prices.

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  • Gray-Wolf
    May 7, 10:31 AM
    I had to let mine lapse recently, but I still get my .mac mail. I plan to renew soon, $99 or not. It's worth the cost to me, if it gets good servers to host it on.

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  • Riemann Zeta
    May 4, 04:43 PM
    Users will be able to upgrade instantly without the need for physical media by purchasing Lion through the Mac App Store.
    I still don't think that this is a good idea. If the download version of Lion were simply a Disc Image file, then that would be fine (I could just burn my own or put it on a stick), but if it is on the App Store, then the entire OS has to be packaged as a .app file. As such, it will not be possible to do a "fresh" reformatted installation of Lion without cracking the .app bundle and burning the install data to a bootable disc.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Mar 28, 09:54 AM
    Makes sense if Apple wants 10.7 and iOS5 to be the focus. Also gives a little more life to the VZW iPhone 4 (fewer bitter customers, even if caused by their own impatience). Finally, while the fall is usually iPod update time, let's face it, iPod updates are getting kinda boring. A new iPhone 5 in Sept would def be more buzzworthy. Then Apple gets back to the summer iPhone releases w/ the iPhone (6) LTE.

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  • Stridder44
    Sep 11, 02:36 AM
    Mine connection would take around 14 hours, but we have adsl 2+ now which is up to 24mb/sec. Can't wait to upgrade :cool:

    This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(

    Holy eff. Im in the states and Im only gettin 786/384 :mad:

    Then again we get it for free...but still....

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  • ptysell
    Apr 26, 03:59 PM
    Android could gain the other 36% of the market and it would still make less money in a year than Apple makes off iTunes alone in a quarter.

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  • damienvfx
    Sep 15, 07:55 PM
    I told her to wait it out until 9.25 at the earliest then buy it.

    She has been waiting with me ever since I found out about merom in June. She broke after it wasn't announced this Tuesday.

    She's going to feel regret I fear when it's announced in 10 days.

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 30, 12:29 AM
    Silence is acquiescence, very well stated by Pastor Martin Niem�ller:

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    I don't disregard comments that try to push a particular view on spirituality, gender identity/expression, or other personal and civil rights issues. Sometimes the comments are appropriate, but other times they are not. In my opinion if they're not, I'll say so.

    If someone is trying to push their views on you, by all means, speak out against it.

    But if they are simply saying something along the lines of "keep the Japanese in your thoughts", I see no need to comment on it.

    I understand he used the word prayers, which is indicative of religion, but I think it's more along the lines of taking what he means from it, not necessarily what he says.

    Mar 29, 01:59 PM
    At 10% unemployment, I don't know many people who would scoff at a job these days.

    And, it isn't that illegal immigrants do jobs that people "wouldn't be caught dead doing" -- it's that they do jobs that people wouldn't be caught dead doing for below minimum wage. There are plenty of Americans who would pick fruit or clean buildings for a fair wage -- they just don't get the opportunity because an immigrant will do the job for cash at poverty wages.

    Yeah, that's true.

    What's the solution though? Living in Arizona I hear about this issue ALL THE TIME on the news, and it seems like there are many different pros and cons to any potential solution they come up with.

    Apr 15, 04:00 PM
    the historical record is more than enough to discount the idea that lowering taxes produces net positives for the economy. America experienced its highest growth years when the top tax rate was over 90% and after taxes had been raised in the 90s. Conversely we've seen a decline in our economic fortunes after 10 years of lower and lower tax rates.

    Assuming (1) changes in tax policy have immediate effects, and (2) there is no such thing as as normal economic business cycles that overlay tax changes.

    Small White Car
    May 4, 02:47 PM
    Putting it on the Mac App Store raises an interesting issue about licencing - they said that purchases could be used on any Mac that you use.

    That opens them up to a lot of abuse.

    How so?

    The current method is "the OS DVD you buy can be used anywhere, as often as you like, forever."

    How could it be worse than that?

    Aug 4, 09:09 PM
    Who cares for Quicken - it's not performance critical. It probably wasn't worth the effort given the gains probaby wouldn't even be noticeable.

    I'd think that all Apple's Pro apps market to the same small intel mac userbase, and they're done. They weren't cross platform so I'd think they weren't easy to port.

    We all know Adobe's reasons - but still, two years is a long time.

    First, Apple's apps were easier to port because they were already XCode. So it was fairly easy for Apple to just recompile with the new compiler.

    Second, Adobe was using a lot of CodeWarrior code and it would be far more difficult to convert. Also having X86 code compiled using MS VStudio doesn't help Adobe to be ahead in generating X86 code under XCode because they run under a completely different GUI and access different libraries.

    Third, even Apple released the UB code with a new updated version of their pro apps. Adobe's CS3 was not due for a year and a half.

    Fourth, Adobe announced their plans early on so that everyone would know what to expect.

    My point about intuit is that Apple announced the transition before Intuit even began work on Quicken 2007. Quicken hardly relies on any graphics code, is mostly text, and number based. Yet they chose to ignore converting to UB code even though now would be perfect timing to do so. In addition they have not announced any plans to create UB's in the future.

    Sure quicken will run with Rosetta, but is that what we want from developers. Forget about modernizing their code because they can make it run in an artificial emulated environment.

    With that logic Intuit should have stuck with OS9 versions of quicken as it could always be run fine in classic.

    Mar 28, 10:31 AM
    haha. Love people saying they will move phones if we don't see the new iphone this year.

    Are people really that fed up with what they currently have? :confused:

    I've a 3gs and it's plugging away quite nicely. I don't need a new phone but I would like one when it does come out.

    I'm looking forward to lion and iPad giving me my Apple fix for the year. Why can't we just let Apple get it right instead of jumping all over them?